Jumat, 24 April 2009

How to cook TAB TIM KROB (Red Rubies)

I find that using water chestnuts for this recipe will make the rubies taste better. Also, using red syrup instead of just red food colouring will give the rubies more flavour.

I bought some jack fruits this morning for garnishing, but just now my hubby finished eating them before I had the time to take the second picture of this dessert.


1 cup water chestnuts or bengkuang aka jicama or turnip or Mexican potato or singkamas, diced

½ cup tapioca flour

150 gr sugar

1 cup coconut milk. Bring to boil, stirring constantly. Set aside.

1 cup water

Red food coloring or any red syrup

Crushed ice

Jackfruit or young coconut (optional), slice it thinly.

1. Soak the water chestnuts in the syrup/red food coloring for 30 minutes until bright red.

2. Put the flour in a bowl/plate and add the water chestnuts and let the pieces become well coated.

3. Put in a colander or sieve and shake off any excess flour.

4. Boil water (4 or 5 cups), add the water chestnuts and simmer until they float to the surface. Drain and plunge in the cold water. Drain again and wrap in a cloth and set aside.

5. Mix the sugar and the water in a pot and boil over medium heat to make syrup.

6. To serve: put a little of syrup, some water chestnuts , crushed ice and coconut milk. Garnish with jackfruit/young coconut.

source http://community.kompas.com/read/artikel/2638

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